Rants, Raves, and Shenanigans

Rants, Raves, and Shenanigans NOT! Sorry 😦

I have been so busy the last few days, and especially yesterday to the point where last night I was in so much pain I did not go to sleep till 3 in the morning haha YAY me!

So I did not prepare for today’s entry buuuut I did, however, write a little something from this book I just got called “300 Writing Prompts” so I figured the days where I don’t post anything at least I’ve got something coming to you guys. Or to whomever reads my stuff haha.  Saturday entries were supposed to be more “diary/journal” like anyway so I figure this would be a great substitute and who knows maybe I’ll start doing these more often 🙂

And as for my “Friday Fashion” entry I’ll hopefully be finishing it and posting it by Monday of next week. So look forward to that pwease 😉

What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?

Lazy days always start out late.  “Never set an alarm” is a rule you must follow.  I get out of bed and then quickly fall back in cuddling with my favorite stuffed animal, a 26 year old monkey named Keys.  But eventually I am ready to get dressed, wash, and play with my makeup.  Really it is a new obsession.  Play with looks I normally would never do.  Trying different things is fun especially when you have no real please to be or anyone to impress.

Whilst all of this is going on I am either listening to my own “In My Room” playlist, or I am watching a playlist from YouTube.  Lately it has been CutiePieMarzia, love her to death.  Inspiring!  Then after I’m dong with all that I’m either fumbling around trying to find something to watch on TV or playing with video games.  Nintendo 3DS represent!  And XBox 360 as well.

I always try to stay busy and entertained and I love pampering myself, so I’ll always probably give myself a mani/pedi while I’m at it.

Always being good to myself and having fun.  No time like now to enjoy your own company.

MourningDoves7 >*<